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Strangers in Space

May 31, 2021

Tom Baker might have thought a talking cabbage adequate company for his TARDIS travels, but the reality is that a television programme needs characters for the audience to recognise and identify with or care about. But how has that role changed over the years? In the first half of our discussion, we talk about...

May 17, 2021

In a discussion that has literally taken over a week to conclude, here are our further thoughts on David Tennant's third year in the TARDIS, Series Four.

Artwork 'borrowed' from Douglas Sommerville

May 10, 2021

In a discussion that literally takes over a week to conclude, here are our thoughts on David Tennant's third year in the TARDIS, Series Four.

Artwork 'borrowed' from Douglas Sommerville

May 6, 2021

After four sequels, two reboots and two television versions, Planet of the Apes is the adaptation of a novel that just keeps on coming. But just what is it that keeps on coming? That's the question we accidentally end up asking in this latest edition of Film Club, the first of four (non-consecutive) episodes...

May 3, 2021

A short bonus Film Club, in which we discuss the eight movies nominated for Best Picture this year - plus a few others - and select our own favourites from the field